Rob Trangucci
I am an assistant professor of Statistics at Oregon State University. My research focuses on novel statistical methodology in missing data analysis and causal inference for problems in epidemiology, designing Bayesian methods for survey inference, and creating tools to quantify how priors impact posterior inferences. Before I returned to academia to pursue a doctorate in statistics, I worked as a data scientist for a fintech startup, a statistical consultant for a Big Five publisher, and a core developer for the Stan statistical modeling and inference platform ( I earned a PhD in Statistics from the University of Michigan, an M.A. in Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences from Columbia University, and a B.A. in Physics from Bucknell University.
- Causal inference for vaccine efficacy
- Missing data
- Principal stratification
- Prior influence
- Multilevel regression and poststratification (MRP)
- Bayesian inference
- PhD in Statistics, 2023
- University of Michigan
- MA in Quantitative Methods in the Social Science, 2014
- Columbia University
- BA in Physics, 2009
- Bucknell University